My Blog

11 Observations from Crushing #75Hard Challenge

11 Observations from Crushing #75Hard challenge I recently completed the 75Hard Challenge after numerous failed attempts previously. I planned out the days and finished on my 45th Birthday! Below are…
Micah 75 Hard before and after picture

“No one likes you, MM!”

“No one likes you, MM!” I remember reading these words on the marker board before my desk. I regularly showed up to work early for a few minutes of peace to…
micah maxwell

Always Remember Who You Serve

Always Remember Who You Serve Growing up in poverty, I learned about serving others through the compassion of many around me. Caring people from our church and strangers shared benevolence…
Micah Jamaica Mission Trip

Leadership Coaching: The Clear ROI

Leadership Coaching: The Clear ROI Leadership coaching delivers measurable ROI. Studies show that when leaders work with coaches, performance jumps Executive Coaching Statistics by 70% for individuals, 50% for teams,…
Insightful Executive Coaching. Statistics: The ROI for executive coaching is 788%. 70% Coaches claim to boost communication and job performance.77% of Respondents said coaching has a significant impact on one of nine business measures. 80% Self-confidence growth is the most frequently reported advantage of business coaching. 86% Organizations saw a return on investment from their coaching engagements.96% who worked with an executive coach said they would do it again. 64,438 businesses offering coaching services in the USA as of 2023. One in every six entrepreneurs seeks coaching to improve their performance.

Is Success a Leading Cause of Failure?

Someone recently said, “Success is a leading cause of failure.” I can’t find an original quote, but this idea spoke volumes. Success. We all chase it, dream of it, and…
success leads to failure

Be On Time and Work Hard.

Be On Time and Work Hard. I fondly remember one of my earliest leadership lessons, work hard. “Lead with your actions, and your words will have more impact.” – Tony…
Hotel Roberts - be on time and work hard

Thoughts and Prayers…Again.

Thoughts and Prayers…Again. I don’t want to write about the most recent school shooting. I don’t want to have to. I can’t believe there is such a thing as school…

These Aren’t Difficult Times

These aren’t difficult times. Things aren’t uncertain. A very small percent of Americans are truly facing uncertainty, difficulty or danger. The truth is these may be uncomfortable times. Perhaps frustrating…

I’m Volunteering to Honor Hoosier Heroes

Have you heard of Indy Honor Flight? I just joined this fantastic organization as a volunteer, and you have to hear about them! Indy Honor Flight, an all-Volunteer organization, takes…
Indy Honor Flight

Why Fitness is Important to Me

I turn 40 years old this year. (Wow, I just typed that!) This next chapter in my life is fascinating. However, my most significant concern is staying healthy. The reasons…

12 Books That Impacted Me as a Leader

I finally tackled the task of unpacking several boxes of books that have been neglected for a few years now. As I sorted through the boxes, I reminisced when I…

People Are Offended By Dr. King’s Voice?

Use of Dr. King’s voice caused outrage Apparently there is a huge outrage over Dodge Ram’s Super Bowl commercial featuring the voice of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I watched…

I Don’t Care About Communicating Anymore!

As a communication major, I have always taken seriously the importance of good communication. Those that have worked with me will certainly agree that I have consistently emphasized good communication.…

Man, Whatcha Do?

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a repost from my old blog. Original Post 4/18/11 Do you have a friend or colleague that is getting ready to start a new job? Perhaps…

This Is It! – Commencement Speech

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a “speech” I wrote in 2010. I’m re-posting it (unedited) from my old blog.   This Is It! Commencement Speech 2010 NO! I was not asked…

He Served, Shared and Loved.

Eulogy: He Served, Shared and Loved (originally titled Obituary for Micah A Maxwell, but I decided differently over concern for the “shock” factor…) With little fanfare, my thirty-third birthday arrived…

Dear Son: A Father’s Day Letter

Each year on Father’s Day I write a personal note to my late father as a tribute. This year I felt an urge to write a letter FROM him. In…