I finally tackled the task of unpacking several boxes of books that have been neglected for a few years now. As I sorted through the boxes, I reminisced when I first read some of them, where I got them from and how they have impacted me over the years. While several themes emerged from my reflections, I pulled out a few books that helped shape my leadership principles.

There are a lot of leaders that I want to emulate because of their values, priorities and results. Here are some of the books that have impacted me most as a leader. I tried to list them in chronological order of when I first read the book.


I inherited this title and a large part of my book collection from my father. Thanks to my parents, my four siblings and I grew up reading and spent hours after-school hours and summers in the library. Mr. Carnegie had an early impact on my natural desire to see the good in people and have a generally positive attitude. “Positive Mental Attitude” as my father preached to us.

The first thing that jumped out to me in this book was his suggestions to “get the most out of the book.” Of the nine recommendations, I fondly remember “read each chapter twice before going on to the next one.” I had never heard this sort of instruction before. But, it made perfect sense, and I find myself to this day re-reading stuff for clarity before making decisions or taking action.

A few of the principles that I feel have stuck with me are:

  • First, don’t criticize, condemn or complain.
  • Remember that a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language to that person.
  • Third, try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.

Each of those principles takes a softer, kinder, gentler approach. More so than ever, we need that in our leaders. This book is on my list of re-reads.

I look forward to revisiting the legendary mind of Dale Carnegie.


I could give an entire book review on the impacts of this book on me as a person, leader, communicator, and soldier. There is so much in this book to learn, and most of it is timeless and will transcend generations.

I’ll point out that in part one, Covey talks about a new level of thinking. He references Albert Einstein’s observation, “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” He goes on to talk about starting with yourself, starting with the most inside of yourself. He’s talking about our character and our motives. This includes attitude and responsibility, and integrity.

I love this part: “private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precede making and keeping promises to others.” Covey helped me to understand early on that you have to know and understand yourself before knowing and understanding others. Help yourself before others.


Dexter Yager was known for being a multi-millionaire and growing up, I dreamed my parent’s dreams of owning their businesses and being financially free. Yager was a role model, so to speak, of my father’s, thus mine as well.

The first lesson outlined is “Don’t let anybody steal your dream.” (Which is also the name of his first book, another great read.) My parents were dreamers. My family has always been dreamers. From a practical sense, growing up in poverty, we had to dream. For survival, we had to imagine a better place and had to hope we would get there.

Other lessons Yager and Ball shared are:

  • Learn to communicate accurate information.
  • Don’t win battles; solve problems.
  • Refrain from saying things about others privately you wouldn’t tell them face to face.


While working with one of my favorite people, my friend and mentor, Lenette Freeman, we learned about this fantastic young leader’s story. Craig, a 12-year-old kid, read a headline that changed the trajectory of his life and countless others since. “Battled Child Labor, Boy, 12, Murdered.” This book details the story of Craig and the boy, Iqbal Masih, and how he started a human-rights organization. From a small group meeting at a lunch table to a worldwide organization mobilizing hundreds of thousands of kids and adults worldwide, Free the Children is a fantastic story.

I had an opportunity to meet Craig and others from the Free the Children organization and follow their work over the years. I continue to be motivated by their work, resolve and never-ending mission in fighting for human rights.


I was admittedly embarrassed when I first learned about this book as a non-traditional college student in a communication class at Ball State University. I could not believe I had never heard of Greenleaf or his extensive work in this space, really as a pioneer.

Servant Leadership theory, at its core, focuses on serving first in leadership. It draws a sharp contrast between leader-first and servant-first mentalities. I was attracted to the idea that while those served to grow and succeed, so does the servant leader. When placing others first, you aren’t neglecting yourself. When people grow, organizations grow, and leaders grow.


I’ve always been a Lincoln fan! I love that he overcame so many challenges in his personal and professional life. I love that he was a great thinker and orator. I love the permanent impact of his leadership on history.

This book is loaded with good nuggets of truth in leadership:

  • First, seek casual contact with your subordinates. It is as meaningful as a formal gathering, if not more so.
  • When you extinguish hope, you create desperation.
  • Remember that it is not best to swap horses when crossing streams
  • If employees gripe about one of your chief supervisors, and the complaints are valid, do not be afraid to remove him.

And one that recently I have come to treasure more and more:

  • Remember that there will be times when you should not speak. Say to your listeners: “Kindly let me be silent.”


When I first read this book, I didn’t connect that Mr. Phillips wrote both this and my previous listing. He has a few other books I plan to read soon. Like most people, I have a lot of respect and admiration for Dr. King as a leader and visionary. I always read about him when I need motivation, encouragement and even direction. I appreciated how this book analyzed him as a leader and gave us a leadership toolkit in his honor.

Some of my favorite leadership lessons from this book:

  • When people nominate you for the lead, accept it. When you are asked to serve, you can’t say no. (Side note: my sense of urgency as a leader comes directly from Dr. King.)
  • Self-criticism is a sure sign of maturity – and the first step toward eliminating any personal weakness.
  • Analyze your adversaries’ point of view so that you may see the fundamental weakness of your condition – so that you may learn and grow from the wisdom of your opposition.
  • Speak in simple everyday language in your public addresses – as if you were engaged in a conversation.


I can’t say I have ever been without purpose in life, but this book played a significant role in helping me to re-focus. As a Christian, this book walked me back through my faith and helped re-connect my purpose in life and my role as a leader.


Of all of my books, this is the smallest and shortest, inspired by a very small scripture hidden in the middle of the Bible. However, this book and its study empowered me so much as a leader. My confidence and passion, and drive grew exponentially after I read this book. I recommend this book for two main reasons. The study of Jabez will inspire you. Also, the writer’s ability to draw so much from one little scripture is genuinely astounding.


This was the first military-related book I read after joining the Army. I didn’t want to read it. I heard so much surrounding Chris’ death, both good and bad, and I didn’t want to deal with the emotions. But, I read it…and the feelings were intense.

I read the book from cover to cover probably faster than I have read any other book. I could not put it down. This is a fantastic story about an outstanding soldier who struggled in life, family, and post-war reality. There are a lot of lessons for any struggling, aspiring or successful leader. I think this is an essential read that will challenge you to consider your own decisions and relationships, and priorities.


I first “read” this book while driving to Kenosha, Wisconsin, in a Uhaul truck. I had all of my personal belongings loaded in the back and my car in tow. I was to start a new job – a new career after leaving my family and friends, a 20-year career, and so many memories. So I listened to the audiobook and found myself shouting “amen,” crying, arguing with myself, plotting out my future and yelling at Siri to take notes for me…all while driving my Uhaul.

I could not believe I had never heard of this guy Dave Ramsey! This book changed my life. I learned so much about myself, about life and certainly about money. This should be a priority read for every leader, especially those leading organizations. So many principles apply directly to running an organization or business.


As a life-long Colts and huge Tony Dungy fan, this easily tops my list of books. Although slightly out of order, I wanted to save this one for last. Quiet Strength tells a great story, all of which Coach Dungy experienced, about struggles and successes as a coach and player. His leadership style is well-defined, practiced and effective.

This book has a special place in my heart because reading it demonstrated how authentic, transparent, and down-to-earth Dungy is. In the Fall of 2006, I struggled to get through yet another semester in a desperate attempt to earn my college degree. I was enrolled in a leadership theory class, and our professor assigned us to write a paper about an effective leader. However, she challenged us to fight the urge to write about someone we worked with or regurgitate an autobiography. She further challenged us to go out and interview a leader, someone that we might not ever get to interview otherwise.

As you can probably guess, I went for it. I somehow found a number for the Colts organization routed to Coach Dungy’s executive assistant, Jackie. To my surprise, she happily set up an interview for me. I’ll write a post later about the interview, but to sum it up…it was awesome. Did you make the connection that my interview was just months before Coach led the Colts to the Super Bowl championship? He was genuine and patient as I asked my questions. When finished, I asked if I could send him my paper to read, to which he kindly obliged.

Sometime the following year, I purchased Quiet Strength and excitedly raced through it. I was shocked when I started reading it because Coach Dungy mentioned some of his stories during our interview in his book! I had so much fun reading the book and finding stories I had a “sneak preview.”

I hope you get a chance to read some of these books and enjoy them as much as I have.